The Role of English Language Supervisor |
Rif at Abdel-Qader Issa The main purpose of this study was to assess the factual role played by the English language supervisor in Jenin district public secondary schools based on the perceptions of English language teachers and principals of these schools. The study tried also to investigate the effect of the respondents' gender, qualification, experience and profession on their perception of the English language supervisor's role. The study sample consisted of the whole population of male and female English language teachers and the school principals of Jenin district public secondary schools for the scholastic year 199811999. The number of English language teachers who responded to the questionnaire was (70) and the number of school principals was (51). The researcher developed a questionnaire (based on Al-Heijawy,' 1993) for the purpose of this study. The questionnaire consists of (58) items distributed on the following seven main supervisory domains: 1) Supervisory tasks, 2) Supervisory practices, 3) Supervisory objectives, 4) Techniques, teaching aids and activities, 5) Professional development, 6) Communication and relation with the fellows and finally, 7) Evaluation. There were two versions of the questionnaire; the Arabic one was directed to the principals and the English one was directed to the English language teachers. The validity of the instrument was established to each of the seven domains by referring it to a jury of professional educational experts. The reliability of the instrument was tested using Chronbach Alpha Formula which revealed that the instrument reliability ranged between 0.71 and 0.88 for the supervisory domains and the reliability of the total domain was 0.94 for teachers and 0.95 for the principals. This was considered sufficient for the purposes of this study. In answering the questions of the study, the means, standard deviations and percentages of the responses were calculated and analyzed. Throughout this study this sign (*) above the researcher's name indicates that thus study is written in Arabic. The study finding indicate: -The English language teachers ranked the level of the English language supervisor as `middle" on all the domains and on the total domain as well. However there were differences within the teachers' perceptions as follows: a- differences due to gender in favour of the female teachers. b- d~ff°r°noes due to gL:alificatiol~ in favc«r of tl~e helderS of B. A. differences or a higher) qualification. c- differences due to experience in favour of teachers of ten years experience or more. -The school principals' perceptions of the English language supervisor’s role were slightly better than those of the teachers in the sense that the role level of the supervisor was ranked by them as "good" on the total domain and on two of the seven supervisory domains. Similarly, there were differences within their perceptions due to their gender in favour of the females, due to qualification in favour of the holders of B. A. (or a lower) qualification, and finally due to experience in favour of principals with less than (10) years experience. Based on these results, the study recommends: - Seminars and workshops should be arranged for and attended by the English language teachers, principals and English language supervisors to discuss the teachers' and principals' supervisory needs and their remarks on the supervisor's performance. - The Palestinian Ministrv of Education is invited to increase the number of English language supervisors in each directorate of education, start pre-service training and condense and tapgrade the in-service training programs for the supervisors so as to prepare them well to cope with the serious demands of their career. - Other studies are recommended in order to: - a- specifically determine the factors behind the low level satisfaction of English language teachers with the role of the English language supervisor. b- find out if English language teachers in other directorates of education in Supervisor Dr. Fawaz Aqel 1999 |
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Role of English Language Supervisor
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